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About Us

 We are a group of volunteers who live in the Brierwood neighborhood. We have come together with the goal of bringing neighbors together to create unity and support within the Brierwood community and to address issues such as safety, traffic, and crime to ensure the enhancement of our property values. We are not an HOA, residents do not pay a monthly fee, and we do not fine residents. We do however ask for donations and do an annual fundraiser to raise money to cover costs such as: maintenance of the neighborhood signs/flower boxes, event coordination, website maintenance, and administrative fees.

The Brierwood Neighborhood Association General Meeting is held during the months of September, November, February and May, on the 3rd Thursday of the month. There is often a guest speaker, who provides important and interesting information, from their area of expertise, for the residents of Brierwood. At the meeting residents are informed about important areas of interest to the community and are encouraged to offer suggestions that would further improve the quality of life in Brierwood. Police officers from the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Zone 3, are present at times to provide updates on crime prevention and to answer any resident's question. The Mayor of Jacksonville has attended our meetings in the past. Also, our City Council Member, and members of her staff, often visit the meetings. Brierwood residents from various committees present their reports on topics such as:


• Report from SHADCO monthly meeting, (Sheriff's Advisory Council)
• Reports of any suspicious criminal neighborhood activity in the last month
• Traffic Calming Committee report
• Neighborhood beautification, holiday preparations, etc.

• Report from CPAC Representative

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